STRATOMASTER MGL Avionics, Instruments & EFIS


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Supply policy for military applications

MGL Supply policy for military applications
Dear customer,
Please take note that it is MGL Avionics' policy to refuse supply of any of our products, including OEM parts such as AHRS systems to any military application, including those restricted to development, research or training.
We demand the same restriction from our distributors regardless of which country they operate in.
Our products are intended to be used only in civil or sport aviation or may be used in other projects that are not related to any military application.
We acknowledge that there are applications which may be classified as "borderline". In these cases we make a case-by-case evaluation as to the nature of the products intended use and whether or not we can accept it.
As our AHRS systems are popular for use in UAV research and development with many Universities the following restriction applies:
    Our systems may be used for UAV research, development and use if the following criteria is met:
    a) The use as defined above is not funded by the military including indirect funding
    b) UAV use is restricted to surveillance applications in a civil application only
    c) UAV design and use will not be made available to any militray applications, now and in the future
    d) Should the design nevertheless pass into the military, all equipment supplied by us must be removed
Rainier Lamers CEO MGL Avionics

MGL Avionics, Stratomaster, Commerçant Delta omega, vente distribution, efis mgl vente

© 2007-2023 DELTA OMEGA sarl. Visiteurs=890072

MGL Avionics EFIS iEFIS Stratomaster Instruments Avion Planeur ULM Horizon Cartographie GPS Badin Vario Altimètre Anémomètre Surveillance moteur
