STRATOMASTER MGL Avionics, Instruments & EFIS

New Products

MaxiSingles VHF COM

  • MGL Avionics is proud to annouce its entry into the market of aviation related RF instrumentation.
  • The first product in this segment is the VHF COM radio. This "Maxi Single" compatible device fits into a standard aviation 3.5" (3.1/8th hole) cutout.
  • Weighing in at less than 300 grams with a very small mounting depth (53mm) this radio provides a 760 channel VHF radio with a 6W carrier power (unmodulated carrier) and a two place digital VOX intercom that inludes enough output power to drive a speaker at good volume.
  • The large display provides easy to read information that includes frequency and function text.
  • Up to 100 channels can be pre-programmed.
  • This radio is SL40 serial communications compatible and can connect to the Stratomaster Enigma and Osyssey EFIS systems.
  • Online RX and TX bargraphs show exact receive power and transmit modulation - allowing you to judge exactly how well your system is transmitting.
  • As one of several models, this version is optimised for use on open cockpit aircraft and can be fully operated with gloves on !
  • A word of caution: this product does not have yet an EASA certification.
  • Réf : MG_Max_VHFCOM
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