STRATOMASTER MGL Avionics, Instruments & EFIS


  • MGL combine the most advanced and miniaturized components for magnetic field and inertial measurement in a compact format weighing in at less than 50 grams (SP-4) or 45 (SP-2).
  • A small housing (80 x 56 x 24mm) combines three gyros, up to three axis accelerometers or a three axis magnetometer plus two independent micro processor systems.
  • Data is avalaible on the "Airtalk" link,and the display can be on one or several "Single" AV-1 (or AV-2), and also on ULTRA or ENIGMA panels.
  • The following modules are available:
    Réf : MGL_SIN_SP-2 - 3 axis magnetic compass with accelerometer based tilt compensation. Weight 40g approx. (without cable)
    Réf : MGL_Sin_SP-4 - IMU for artificial horizon and turn & bank indicator. Weight 45g approx. (without cable)

  • The reason for splitting the compass and horizon system (they where combined in the SP-3HC as in many other systems), is to allow better overall performance. In many aircraft it is difficult to find a suitable location that is good for both sensors. Now, you can place the SP-2 compass in a wingtip if required and place the gyros close to the center of rotation to maximise performance from your horizon system.
  • The SP-2 & SP-4 combination is probably the World's smallest full function AHRS (i.e. a system that not only measures rotations and acceleration forces but can do the very difficult task of using that information to work out how your aircraft is located relative to the earth surface).
  • Download the manual: SP2-SP4.pdf
  • What do you need?
    Compensated Digital compass: one SP-2 and one AV-1. This is the "HRS-2".
    Attitude/Slip indicator: one SP-4 , one or two AV-1 and/or AV-2.
    Attitude/Slip indicator/Compass: one SP-2 and one SP-4, one, two or three AV-1 and/or AV-2.
    And for a dual-seater, why not one SP-2, one SP-4 and six AV-1 and/or AV-2?
  • You can also display the Compas and/or Attitude informations on "ULTRA_HXL" or "ENIGMA". or "ODYSSEY" EFIS.
  • If you need to integrate a heading or attitude measurement in your application, the output format of the SP-x modules is available.
  • Englische Bedienungsanleitung : SP4_OEM_EN.pdf
    Französisch Bedienungsanleitung : SP4_OEM_FR.pdf
  • Example PC program reading SP-2 Compass data MGLSP2.htm Download the installation program MGLSP2_FR.exe
  • Example PC program reading SP-4 (Attitude) and SP-2 (Compass) data MGLSP4.htm Download the installation program MGLSP4_FR.exe
  • An optional accessory provides coupling of SP-x module(s) to a computer through a connection.

  • Fordern Sie einen Katalog mit Preisliste an bei MGL Avionics



BlueTooth connexion for SP-x module(s)

BlueTooth connection. Click for larger image.

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